August 19, 2011

When the Cat's Away...

... the Girls get to play!

Tuesday night, although a school night, was not a regular weeknight. Mom came to visit and have a sleepover; AlphaJ was working; and the girls were both home again...

In the eyes of Omegan: it was Party time!

Kaia arrived home from school shortly after Gramma Linda arrived at our house from Marietta. Since Holly had stayed a few nights in GA with Gramma, she was eager to see Kaia when she pulled up in the school bus. [It was very exciting to see every one's happy faces upon greetings].

First on the agenda was to head inside and show off Kaia's school work for the day and see her homework for that evening. Since Gramma has been such a big part of Kaia's learning and school, I let them go over the paperwork together. [Quality time, with a good focal point]. Holly played Dad's drums while I observed and thought about dinner...

Which lead to our next agenda topic: What's on the Menu in Omegan Kitchen for Mom's visit?? When the question was approached, I knew the protein was going to be baked chicken breast, but the sides were undetermined. I started naming some options for grains and veggies, when I said the words Pearled Barley...

It was like music to both our ears and taste buds! My mom and I have had to "give up" barley on family meal nights due to our mates' sensitive tummies; something about the gluten free, or fat free, or something just doesn't agree happily. As you can imagine, we paired that with the chicken and then started pondering our FAVORITE part of the meal: the Veggies! [mmmm.... veggies... *mouth drooling immensely*] Although I had fresh zucchini available, we decided on Broccoli (stems included), fresh tomatoes, and onions galore.

Before dinner, Mom and I went for a walk around the neighborhood; chatting like crazy Cathy's about anything and everything. We hung and chilled; playing games on Mom's iPad, downloading music and software to my computer, and catching up on girlie things during and after dinner. We took the night at an easy, laid back and comfortable pace. ...all with nice relaxing music in the background...

Mom went with me to drop Kaia off at school on Wednesday morning and of course, she took a few pics! After that, I had to get back into the work-week groove and get ready for the day. Mom stayed in town for a little while longer, running errands with AlphaJ to town and exploring some shops of interest. She made her drive home safely... and soon after invested in a cassette tape to play her iTunes, through her iPhone in her car, without using the cup holder as an amplifier! [You're welcome, Mom!]

I love that my mom and I have such a good relationship and friendship that we are able to relax and "let loose" with each other. We have a very dear and special bond for and as a mom and daughter. We certainly went through our difficulties (mostly based on my behavior at the current times); but without those times, I'm not sure we would understand each other as well as we do.

Even though we don't live down the street from each other, we know how to maintain love and communication in our hearts and souls, as best as life's roads and distances allow us... The world ebbs and we flow.

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