January 7, 2012

Life as a Kid

Growing up, I always loved playing at the park.

Any Park.

There was something magical about the open-ness of a park that gave way to un-inhibited fun and laughter.

I always found sanctuary in the comfort of a park's atmosphere... Its aire was the feeling of good times with people you trust, allowing yourself to share your true nature of imagination.

It's amazing the nooks and crannies; backways and sideways; ups, downs, and all-arounds that you can discover while trying to hide while playing Hide and Seek. Who knew that there could be so many "unknown" corners of play area!?!

What fun it is to play...

As did the girls and I, one special New Year's Eve Day.

Apparently, I still do enjoy the magic of the playing in the park...

 - Omegan :-D