Hello, there! How are you?? Me? I'm Fantastic! Today was a great day :-)
The day started with a 6am wake up; with personal journal time and some refreshing readings... then breakfast and workout! Each of the girls had a yogurt with their b-fast (a staple food in our home) and Holly enjoyed some purple grapes, as well. While I did pilates, the girls were having playtime (in separate rooms - less drama and disruptions that way), but they booted up with shoes, socks, and lollipops for our 2 mile walk.
[Yesterday, I mentioned my meditation time while walking... I am still able to obtain that, while the girls are with me, it's just... different. I 1/3 rd listen to their convo's, but I mostly pay attention to what's going on around us. Sometimes, they "disagree" on what game to play while they sit there, enjoying the view and ride ("I spy," count the mailbox #'s, "Echo," etc...) so, I have to intervene, but they are soo accustomed to the sit-time on walks, that they know how to be side-by-side and for the most part, not do the "I'm not touching you" routine.
I also, during the meditation time on my walk today, while I was thinking about the above, I started pondering how much extra weight I am actually taking around with me on these walks with the girls. The running stroller (baby trend double jogging stroller - very beneficial investment) itself is at least 30 lbs, add on the weight of each girl: Kaia is almost 40 lbs; Holly is almost 30 lbs; and I'm pushing close to 100 lbs... with my arms and legs as propellers! WOW! No wonder I'm sooo freakin' physically fit. With walking, running, biking, and "strolling," my body is on FIRE! :-D ].
My list of chores today was accomplished with ease, as I had my headphones on, the girls were occupado, and AlphaJ was off to a Loooong day of work and schedules. I cleaned (from top to bare bottom) the girls' bathroom (blegh! It needed it!), cleaned the kitchen counters, and the nasty trashcan lid and base. I also washed J and I's sheets, folded the laundry leftover from yesterday, and ran a load of dishes.
... and after lunch, the girls played games on the computer (nickjr.com) while I indulged my girlie side and painted my nails! Clear coat and all :-)
Oh! And I forgot to mention yesterday, that AlphaJ's electric fence did it's job! While J missed the satisfaction of "nailing that varmint" himself, it was satisfying to know that his electric fence scored a kill on the chipmunk that ate my first tomato. AlphaJ [literally] scraped him off the fence, his tail twined in the fence, teeth trying to gnaw it free. ... In some ways, I feel bad, but in most ways... Dammit! That's MY Family's food! ...
... That was soo generously watered by the water tank that my J did Such a good job at installing and making functional! He was able to water the entire backyard garden, with the 150 gallon tank (that was filled by natural rain-water) ... Again... the thoughts of $$ saved come to mind. AlphaJ watered the backyard garden with the tank and used almost the whole tank-full. How much money would that have cost if we had to use our own hose and water, rather that nature-made garden water that was captured and re-used ?? ...
Before dinner, the girls and I took a moment at the table; they colored while I defined the grocery list. I'm such a dork... [My lists continue their patterns, in every aspect of my life. If I didn't have my lists, I wouldn't get things done]. I sat at the kitchen table and used Excel to make my grocery list.... And signed into email, checked my coupon sites (but they failed to print) and checked my stock of regular paper coupons... A true sign of Mom-hood.
We had a nice, relaxing dinner; and the girls both took part in the cooking. Holly retrieved the plates, while Kaia prepared the dino-shaped nuggets for the microwave... They like being able to participate in prepping and making. (They both make their own lunch, at least 5 days out of the week, and they Always make healthy, balanced choices in their plate offerings. They also are very knowledgeable, already, in proper portions!)
I had a can of tuna with a baked potato and a frozen veggie mix. I spiced it up, Omegan Style, so my eyebrows beaded up nicely! :-D
The girls played Dora on the Wii after dinner, while I took some moments for Me :-)
My AlphaJ is home now, from his working day and meeting tonight, so we're going to have some Pack Time!
Good Night! - Omegan
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