September 24, 2011

Summer Sunsets

Seasons change and people grow with age… But the souls and the skies always dazzle with color…

After our Adventures in Driving trip to Georgia two weeks ago, our Monday started off the way Mondays should: With the near full Harvest Moon on the horizon; rising for a daytime appearance.

Tuesday, was a fairly normal day of the week, which can be good for the mind to not have to worry about or plan for anything “special” going on with schedules, people, or events.

Wednesday the 14th, my friend Ashley in Texas needed some motivation to start her day, so I helped her make a cup of coffee at 6:30 in the morning. [I had already been awake for an hour, or more, so I was feelin’ my caffeine buzz!] We had coffee together via Facebook [before FB “changed face,” that is].

HA! We could call it the FaceBook Bistro! “Can’t meet at your local Starbucks?? Have coffee together via FaceBook Bistro! – Just create the event through the bistro, and invite your friends… Discuss the days’ events at our virtual tables!” [I’m such a dork].
After sharing coffee and discussing the woes of having early morning risers for children, I stepped outside to catch the sun and the moon in my morning sky.

Thursday the 15th was slightly disastrous due to [a combination of] miscommunication from the school and bad reading on my part… I TOTALLY thought that Grandparent’s Day at Kaia’s school was on the 15th, in the afternoon. So I planned with Mom for her and my bro to drive up that morning, go to the party, and have a stay-over; returning to Marietta the next day.

Go Me… Grandparent’s Day was scheduled for Friday, not Thursday. Dag Nabbit!! Apparently, I wasn’t the only parent/grandparent that thought it was Thursday; for when Mom and Doug showed up at the school, the ladies in the front office said they had received several phone calls that day with people verifying the correct date [the 15th or 16th].

Luckily, there were no major events [other than the now “re-scheduled” Grandparent’s Day] that required my mom and brother’s attendance, so they were able to re-adjust their schedule to accommodate the party’s “new time and date.” And we still had some good chats and eats during their stay-over, so the visit was well spent.

Mom and I went and played in “Garden Greenthumb;” I showed off all my peppers and we harvested some tomatoes for eats that night and to package up for Mom to take home.

And we closed our evening with a gorgeous sunset.

Friday Morning, Mom followed me down to Holly’s school so she could see the Headstart diggs in Woodbury, before she journeyed to Kaia’s school for Grandparent’s [and Uncle] Day.

That night, AlphaJ and I indulged and had grilled salmon and corn on the cob, with asparagus and baked potato:

…Sort of. AlphaJ was feeling under the weather upon completing the grilling session, so I enjoyed it fresh and hot and he chowed down on his portion a few days later [and it was still tasty, he says]. Either way it was consumed, it was a Very scrumptious dinner! I love AlphaJ’s grilled fishes; they’re so yummy :-P

Saturday, AlphaJ went to work, so the girls got to “Play” …

And I worked on a whole lot of basically nothing. It was my first day off from the work week and I needed some Me time to do what I wanted and needed to do. Ahhh….. Girl Time…. Some things you just can’t do as openly with the men in your life around… And I will leave the rest of Saturday’s events up to your imagination with that statement being said ;-)

On Sunday Morning, Willow decided that she had some pressing business that needed to be addressed while she was having her morning “chatter” with the humming birds.

It was also Omegan Pizza Night! Yum!! [My mouth is drooling as I look at the picture trying to type and write about its tastiness….]

As if the ingredients are tantalizing enough:

[*drool starts to drip down chin*]
(notice the Pink Floyd – Dark Side of the Moon wine in the background!!)

Then you get to “feast” your eyes upon the finished Pizza Pies, hot and ready to eat!

[*slurping drool*]

And to top that off, I made experimental homemade Banana Chocolate Chip muffins that proved to be ultimately delectable:

Wow! That was a week, wasn’t it?! [at least we ended with Chocolate endorphins…] And we still have another whole week to travel through… Only, this was a “lighter” week, with not as much excitement. [It was dark, gray, and rainy the majority of the week].

Monday, I played Coke Rewards; although there was no “game” going on, my efforts proved to be fruitful. [But you won’t find out about the results of Monday the 19th’s Coke experience until I receive the benefits… and then of course, turn the entire sequence of events into a blog on its own :-) ]. [Ha! Ha! That will keep you reading!! ]

Tuesday displayed gray skies most of the day; but the light drizzle rain made for a nice hummer fanfare at the feeders.

Miraculously, near the end of the evening, as the sun was setting, the clouds let the rays shine through to create a spectacular surprise in the sky:

Wednesday and Thursday were fairly normal weekdays; although Kaia had “Pajama Day” at school on Thursday, so she got to wear her jammies instead of normal play clothes.

Thursday night, our Summer Sky set for the last time this year, as today, Friday, was the first official day of Fall. The girls were off from school today and it’s also another GA day! So, while I’ve been typing and planning this blog post, we’ve been in the car, making our 3 hour trek to Marietta.

As with being a new season in the year, the air has different feelings… Some days are golden yellow, some are gray; but no matter the color of the sky, our hearts glow at the rise [and set] of all our emotions and life happenings.

Goodnight, Summer; Good day, Fall... Your colors of seasonal change are welcome; for with time, we learn experience; therefore, changing our souls' colors... 

 - Omegan :-)

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