September 27, 2011

Coke Rewards - Friend or Foe??

It started out like any other Coke Rewards Monday: I got on the computer after dinner, logged onto Coke Rewards to enter my weekly 120 points and then log off...

...However, one summer Monday, I logged on and found a Surprise! The 1,000,000 Points Giveaway - Summer of Points rewards game was back! Excitement poured over me from all bubbly directions, as I knew that I would get to bobb my head to the beats of the bubbles, and have an opportunity to win points, just for entering my weekly points. :-)

[The requirements to play the game were to enter an "Eligible" 12-pack code (worth 10 pts) and received a "free reward" to play the game. Each member was allowed 3 Eligible 12-pack codes a week. Since I enter between 7 and 10 12-pack codes, I played all three of my games, all right in a row, each week during the game].

After the first go-around, I thought to myself: How fun would it be to video Me playing the game and to see my reactions at wins or losses?!?

So what did I do?? The next Monday, I set up my web cam. Only, something went wrong with the video and quality/ size of file, so that documentation was a bust.


... The following Monday, my noggin was workin'... On a better way to document the experience.
 A couple years ago, AlphaJ and I acquired a camera "spider" to fit and adjust and "claw" around objects to hold the camera in place. So, I set the camera up right where the webcam sits; only the contraption made the camera sit higher, therefore making a better shot anyway :-)

Along with the suit of the Game, the "earliness" of the summer, and the number of points left from ending my last points session a week prior, I was eager to get the "bubbles poppin'"...


The Next Monday, I was game and ready to play... and AlphaJ (and Romeo) was there with me, ready to share the sparkly pop... or flat bubbles...

[this game doesn't like me].

Okay.... So let's try again, shall we?? There's still just under 80,000 points left to win...
(and yes; Romeo is here to dance!)

When will you be my friend?????????

[the very next week]...

YAY!!! Coke Rewards! Even though you may not give me "free" stuff ['cause technically, I only partially pay for the rewards that I redeem by buying Coke products], like even 5 points for a 1,000,000 point giveaway... I still love you].

You let me down [during the Summer of Points giveaway]; but yet, I am still loyal to you... and my loyalty finally proved to be Rewarding...

My Gourmet Stoneware Mixing Bowl set, that I have been ogling from day one of its appearance as a reward, came back with a vengeance... to catch my eye and make me "purchase" with my available points.... [damn you, tempting cookware stuff!!].

Even though you let me down [and made me ill with you]:
Coke Rewards: You ARE my friend.

Now, I get to make tasty treats [Yum! brownies and homemade Banana Bread! (and more!)] in a Fan-tastically sturdy set of bowls. And, they match my microwave AND the retro toaster that I used Coke points to buy [bc IT matched my microwave], so my kitchen is coordinated and ready to cook and bake!!

Even though I didn't "win" any free points from the giveaway, Coke Rewards has been reliable in there point redemption promptness and their options for reward products. I am also impressed with the sweepstakes offerings; as many times as I've entered, no result there, yet... But until I get my dream vacation, or top-of-the-line digital camera, or Kitchen-Aid Mixer, whatever.... I will keep entering my codes on Coke Rewards Monday.

Coke Rewards: You are My Friend.

 - Omegan :-D


  1. Thank you for displaying ALL of the bowls...loved the video!

  2. I was thinking of redeeming for these bowls and your video clinched it. Thanks.
