HI THERE!! Omegan back again with an addition to my "Relationships with Strangers"
My un-modest ability to let my vocals reach all ranges while trolleying around the city :-)
I LOVE singing in the car. Especially when I'm by myself, on my way to work. And I don't just sing... I'm one of the dancing drivers, too.
I cruise down the highway to Murfreesboro, rockin' to the beats, singing my heart out! [Of course, I don't always listen to the same thing; it just depends on my mood and how I want to "set my tone and rhythm" for the day]. I make slight hop and skip through town and catch the interstate north to Nashville... maintaining my groove.
[Somehow, feeling that open and calm helps me stay more aware of what's going on around me, because I glide with the songs through the flow of traffic. It also helps me relax when heavy delays happen... I just keep jammin' and realize that the cars will move when the move and there's nothing I can do but wait it out ... ... so why not at least have fun?? What else is there to do? ROCK OUT!].
My lack of inhibition, as far as jammin' in the car goes, has brought many friendly encounters from other drivers.
One day, I was driving into Murfreesboro, listening to the new Coldplay song, "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall." I was totally bobbin' my head and driving dancing... I think I put my arms up in the air a few times... Well, I happened to pull up alongside a truck with a landscaping crew and an equipment trailer attached to the back. At first, I thought it was only the driver and a passenger; and I'm just dancin' away! So, they roll down the back window, and there's 4 more guys in the back.
Needless to say, we drove next to each other for a good 2 miles, both automobiles of Dancing Fools, groovin' away... until they got ready to make their right turn to their jobsite. I waved, they waved; and we went our ways. It was fun :-)
Then, just last week, I was on I-24 going to Nashville, cruising along through traffic, doing my thing [I don't remember what I was listening to]... And this car that I saw approaching from behind, came up next to me in the left lane. He looked over, saw me singing and dancing... Smiled, chuckled, and kept cruising on. He was about my age... Mid-to late-twenties. That was quick but hilarious.
Today, however, was the best time yet! I had been driving down 70S into Murfreesboro...
...and somehow, when you are going from a small town to a bigger city, it's easy to keep track of the other cars that you pass and then eventually catch up or get stuck at the light...
Anyway, there was this Gray Ford truck that was not too far behind me, but we both made the left turn arrow onto the connecting road. We're going along, trading places who's in front and who's in back... But, he picks up on the fact that I am just all out Groovin' and Singin'. So he starts watching me... and keeping an eye on me...
[I was listening to AWOLNATION, so it was "Kill Your Heroes," "My Nightmare's Dream," and "Sail" while we were cruising together].
We got to one of the stoplights, part of the way to the interstate on-ramp, and I looked over at him, and we both smiled at each other. Traveling along a little further, he's still watching, kinda chuckling and smiling.
Before we both took the left turn, we waved to each other sitting at the light; we took the left turn, got on the interstate, and continued driving. I made my way to the third lane, he stayed in the right hand lane. He didn't stay on long, but before he exited, he flashed his lights "BYE!" at me, and I returned the goodbye with my Emergency flashers. :-)
I spent the rest of my drive to work laughing, smiling, giggling, singing, AND dancing, all while maintaining my Awesome maneuvering abilities.
Life is fun, but only if you allow yourself to see it that way.
I'm a dancer; I always have been... I just had to figure out how to apply my dancing soul and body to my ever-evolving mind. Now that I've connected the two, I am freer to be who I know I am...
...Singing in the Car and Dancing While Driving included.
- Omegan :-D